A strong piler of stalwart of fearless Urdu journalism, journalist Aamir Salim Khan said goodbye to the world.
May Allah grant him the highest place in Jannat al-Firdaus and Give patience to the family and relatives.
May Allah grant him the highest place in Jannat al-Firdaus and Give patience to the family and relatives.
A strong piler of stalwart of fearless Urdu journalism, journalist Aamir Salim Khan said goodbye to the world.

S. Z. Mallick
New Delhi. The more you regret, the less you praise, kind, compassionate, strong thinker, one who deeply understands the society, respects the elders and younger ones, a famous smiling face and senior journalist in the field of Urdu journalism, daily ‘Hamara Samaj’ , Editor of Delhi, Member of Press Club of India Aamir Salim Khan died at the age of 48 on Monday afternoon at 1 o’clock due to cardiac arrest done and then have to go back to him, May Allah guide us all to walk on the right and straight path and forgive all the small and big unknowingly sins committed by them in the world, Ameen. He was associated with journalism for a long time. And he was associated with Dainik Hamara Samaj for last 13 years. A few months ago, our community started a series of video programs by creating a YouTube channel, which was very successful. He has also done journalism services in Dainik Hindustan Express, Dainik Rashtriya Sahara in Urdu. “Aamir Salim Khan Sahab was a friendly, creative and eloquent journalist and a role model for the new generation. He was an inquisitive journalist and boldly put facts in the news. The void left by his death in Urdu journalism is probably empty. He will be remembered for centuries. I am involved in this. No doubt the tragedy of Amir Salim is a great loss for our society. We pray that Allah Ta’ala bestows his reward on our society and places the deceased in the stream of mercy. He was undergoing treatment at GB Pant Hospital in Delhi. He had suffered a heart attack four days ago. He had recovered to some extent on December 11, but suffered a heart attack again on December 12. He was put on a ventilator. But he could not be saved in spite of lakhs of efforts and died at about one o’clock. ‘Clock. A special aspect of his personality is that he was primarily a religious scholar. His body was buried at Mehndiyan cemetery in Delhi. was handed over to the throne in. May Allah grant him the highest place in Jannat al-Firdaus and Give patience to the family and relatives.